This is a test script example for ShouldBee.

# Test Specification

* url:
* environment: windows:chrome

## Logging in

Go to "/en/login"
Fill in the “Username” field with “admin“
Fill in the “Password” field with “pass“
Press "Login" button
The page should contain “Admin Menu“

## Logging out

Go to "/en/admin"
Follow "Logout"
The URL should be "/en/logout/"
The page should contain "Logged out. See you again!"

### Signing up

Go to "/en/signup"
The page should contain "Sign up"
Fill in the "Username" field with "alice"
Fill in the "Password" field with "password1234"
Fill in the "Email" field with ""
Check "Female"
Check "Agree with the term of service"
Press "Create an account" button
The page should contain "Thank you for your registration!"
The page should contain "Your account"
The page should contain "Username: alice"
The page should contain "Email:"
The page should contain "Gender: Female"
The page should not contain "password1234"